
Analysis of the difference between the sliding table saw and the feeder by the manufacturer of the sliding table saw

What is the difference between an open feeder and a table saw

       The open feeder is an automatic numerical control machine (including a four-process open feeder and a serial processing center). The price is slightly more expensive than the sliding table saw, but the sliding table saw (precision saw) requires manual operation and control, and the price is also cheaper.

       In terms of difficulty of operation, no professional technicians are required to open the reclaimer. Anyone can operate it. The wages of the workers are also very low. The operation of the table saw requires a certain skill and requires a woodworker to operate it. Such workers generally have high wages. , 2~3 times higher than ordinary workers.

       Regarding the utilization rate of the board, the owner uses professional panel furniture design and disassembly software. The software can automatically optimize the layout. The board utilization rate can reach more than 90%, but the sliding table saw can only cut straight lines. The craftsman needs to calculate how to cut to improve it. The utilization rate of the board, the utilization rate of the material usually does not exceed 80%, in addition, the useless board is often artificially manufactured.

  In terms of safety, the CNC can opener only needs to be operated with the system and the steering wheel, and basically there is no safety problem. The table saw has a big safety problem, and it sometimes causes injury accidents during operation.

  The software launcher uses professional panel furniture design software, which is easy to operate and has a rich sample library. It is easy to use. The design of table saws using CAD requires professional design, and the operation is complicated.

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